Tuesday, October 1, 2013


We have met so many talented young actors for the lead roles in Tribe of the Wild...and want to remind you all that we are currently casting our wonderful supporting cast! There are several recurring roles, and we recommend submitting to tribeofthewildcasting@gmail.com AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you think you just might be the perfect person for a role...

LUIGI FRANCO: Father of ANGELO. Italian, lovable male in his mid 40s.  A widower, he is very close with his son Angelo and is friendly with the regulars at his restaurant. RECURRING GUEST STAR 

FRED MARSHALL: Father of GABRIEL. Mid-40s Caucasian. An army officer, he is stern and authoritative and protective of his family. He isn’t afraid to tell Gabriel off in front of his friends. RECURRING CO-STAR

MARK STARKS: Father of AMANDA. Mid-40s, African American or Mixed Race. Loving and supportive father who will always welcome Kelly to join the Starks family time. RECURRING CO-STAR

KAREN STARKS: Mother of AMANDA. Mid-40s, African American or Mixed Race. Loving and supportive mother who will always welcome Kelly to join the Starks family time. RECURRING CO-STAR

KYLE STARKS: AMANDA’S brother. 8 years old, African American or Mixed Race. Loves to tease his sister, but he will always give her a hand. CO-STAR

CHARLES FINCHLEY: British, Mid 20s – Early 30s, Caucasian. A British soldier from World War II who seems to remember nothing of his life on Earth. Friendly, curious, and lonely, he is a bit scattered and can’t concentrate on one topic for long. CO-STAR

COACH: Mid 30s – Mid 40s. Gabriel’s football coach, who tries to lead his team, but accepts their shortcomings and the fact that they could lose. CO-STAR

HAIRLESS MEN (3): Morgz in the form of humans who attack the teens. They are thin, pale, and completely bald. They are expressionless and cold, and their voices do not sound quite human. CO-STAR

SANDY MARSHALL: GABRIEL’S younger sister. 12 years old, Caucasian. While she has no lines in the pilot, she will become a more prominent character as the series moves forward. FEATURED EXTRA